Well family:
I have a new scripture message this week; Jacob 4:7. I have never noticed this scripture, but reading it in Spanish really opened my eyes to it. "Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness.." It's like in Ether 12:27, Our Heavenly Father shows us our weaknesses, this seems like a curse and not a blessing, but what's the purpose of this life? PROGRESS! We can't progress without weakness, that means it is such great love of God to show us what we need to change. "...that we may know that it is by his grace..." (enabling power) "...and his great condescencions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things." Through the enabling power of the atonement, we can become more than we are right now. In this very instant. It doesn't matter what we are now. Now is the time to change, and it's through his blessings that we can do those things asked of us. To everyone reading this, I know that we all have the power to become more. I absolutley know that. We can all achieve those things asked of us-by callings, or by circumstances of life. We all have that power. We are all made in the image of God right? That means that we all have the same capacity as Him. The capacities of Love, Power, Action, everything. I absolutlely know that that is true. No matter what YOUR circumstance, YOU can become more. It's in our nature. It's part of who we are.
I love you all. Please include me in your prayers,. I need your prayers. This area needs your prayers. The world needs your prayers.
If you're with courtney right now, tell her I love her and hug that new baby for me! I probably should go soon, but know that I love you and so grateful for you.
I love you ,
Elder Clayton Rodney England