Dear mom/Family,
Hahaha! mom that´s so funny that you sent me 5 of the same packages! Because in reality, those packages never go into the hands of the mexican postal service! Hahaha! It goes through the Church. The address sends it first to Salt Lake, then to Mexico using whatever the church uses to get supplies to chapels and stuff like that. I guess I´m just going to pig out!! How awesome!!!
Dad, that´s a bummer that you tore your menuscus! You can believe me when I say I know exactly how that feels. It´s a good thing that racing cars isn´t too hard on knees. Hahaha! I remember when you got surgery on your arm and me and mason came to bring you meds and you were asking mom if you could come play tennis with us! Hahaha! That was so funny!
Ok about those questions´, Yes we have a mission card, but we use once a month to get money from the atm. There really is no where to use it. The tiendas(stores) dont have a reader thingy and we never go to a supermarket, so we really never use it. But now we have a ton of food. I love nutella!!! Nutella is so expensive here 45 pesos. thats ridiculous!!! its like 3 dollars and it really is so expensive!
Mom, that truly is a very good tactic at getting kids to church! In the scriptures, we´re told to do missionary service with pursuasion. That totally falls under that category. Usually i think that means just outsmarting someone and making them WANT to accept the gospel. Genius mom!
I had a feeling that something was going wrong with Cole. I included him in my Fast last Sunday and truly pray for a miracle in his life. His life is so hard, but one of my new favorite scripures is
D.&C. 58:2-4 . It says that now we don´t understand our situations, and our tribulations, but in the next life everything is going to make sense as being for our good. I love it! I know Cole was a valiant spirit in the pre life. I know it. He must have done such amazing things to be trusted with the life that he has now. He is strong.
Ok this week...
Well Monday we had a zone activity and we played basketball in the ward house in Mixuaca. That place is a lot more ghetto than my area, which is super nice...well for mexico. After we played basketball were planched...chewed our zone leaders because of our poor numbers this week. In all honesty me and my companion and the sisters in our district are the only companionships that doesn´t have at least one frito(lazy) comp.
Well tuesday, i don´t remember because it was probably uneventful, full of work, but nothing too crazy.
Wednesday was when all the fun started. I went on splits with Elder Blotter again, and I can say he's my best friend here. I look up to him alot, and he is helping me so much. Well that day, I talked with my mission president. I don´t know why, but I felt I just needed to talk with him. Well he helped me alot, and I returned to work with Elder Blotter who stayed another night because we couldn´t change in time before curfew.
Oh yeah!!!!!! Our baptism was yesterday, and i forgot my camera...i know I'm dumb. It was funny because I performed the ordinance, and I hit josé´s head on the wall!!!!!!!! But he didn´t notice!!!!!!! Another soul joined us yesterday, what a beautiful day!
I'm tring to change, to come unto Christ. any suggestions? Please help me figure this out. This morning I had the chance to read cousin Riley´s story again, and I want so badly to apply the atonement in my life like that.
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