Mexico #13
Wow this week was awesome!
But first I’m going to start off with a spiritual thought;
This week I studied and read Alma
13-20, The latter end of these chapters is the story of Ammon. i have
come to a new conclusion that Alma the younger and Ammon are my favorite Book
of Mormon characters!! Ok but in the part I want to focus on, is when
Ammon and the King and the Queen, and ALL the whole household of the king, fall
to the earth as if they were dead. In Alma 19:16 a woman is mentioned,
one of only three in all the Book of Mormon; Abish. Because of her, the
word of Ammon’s missionary work was spread, as she ran to tell others of those
that were uncouncious. She ran and spread the word, and I believe,
contributed to the conversion of all the people of King Lamoni. Her father had
seen a vision, and she was already a believer in Christ. This one verse,
I think can shed a lot of light on us. Do you think the Lord knew that
Abish would be in the situation to help Ammon, and spread the gospel?
Well yes! He knows everything. Do you think He knew, and
knows everything? Yes he does. When we are faced with a new change
in our life, do you think the Lord knew that you needed that change? That
in the future when that change is truly manifest, and the repercussions are you think He knew? The answer is 1000% yes. Just think
of that. He knows what circumstances need to pass so that in the future,
we are ready to spread His work. Wow, that just blows my mind!
Ok, back to the real world.
This week was awesome! We did so many different things! It
was so fun!
First off, Tuesday, we got
have another set of Elders in our ward, which is awesome, because we now can
really get this area moving!
Wednesday...i don’t remember!
Thursday, wow this day was awesome!
We went through the temple!!!!! That was so amazing! The
Mexico City Temple is incredible! When I walked into the Celestial room,
I almost cried. The urge really came over to just let the tears flow!
Wow it was super beautiful there! I could just feel the power of
the Lord radiating. After the temple, we had an activity for the mission,
well for three zones. We had a talent show and a lunch that was muy
chido! But there are so many talented people in our mission! That
day was super good! Plus I got a blender! I am making stuff almost
everyday, and now I can make pancakes a lot. That is nice to have a nice
Friday...regular day!
Saturday, we went and painted more
at Hermana Alicias and my Spanish was failing that day. I guess I was just super and it was
hard to understand. So I
painted where i wasn’t supposed to. Wow, it is a good thing that she
loves us, and that it wasn’t too big of a deal to her. Haha , I love her.
Sunday, well as I said, we have two
more elders in our ward: Elder Fiestas and Elder Phthean...I think that’s how
it is spelled. We now eat with the members with the four of us which is
fun! Sometimes it’s difficult because Elder Phthean likes to speak in English,
so my mind keeps getting changed back and forth. But sunday we ate with Hermana Rosana, and it was
super good! That’s the best part about Christmas here! The Good
Food!!! I love the Christmas Mexican food!
Monday, today! Wow today was
fantastic! We went to the centro, or downtown. can buy
whatever you want there. The trick is finding things that are worth
buying! But there are some landmarks there that I did not know were from
Mexico. I didn’t think that something that pretty could be there!
Something funny is that there are thousands of venders on the street
with, what I assume is, stolen goods. The police hang out at the street
corner for a while, just passing the time, and every once in a while, they
start walking towards the venders, and then they all, in like 2 minutes pack up
and bail. The cops could catch them easy, but they do it just for fun.
I saw a guy pay a cop off today with a stuffed animal. Haha
Well that was my week! I
loved it, and I hope it was good for you all too!
Just so you all know, I am needing
some help. This week I really struggled with feeling any sort of drive to
really do this. I am coming out of that, but I need some help.
Anything you all can do to inspire me is fantastic!
I love you all and I pray for you
everyday. Please include me in your prayers! I need them!
Les Amo,
Elder Clayton England
ok my favorite song is Nearer My
God to Thee
my favorite scripture is alma
no, we are skyping 3 for you guys,
4 for me i think whatever is 4 oclock for me
love you